REI LenseREI Lense

More Features, Less Guesswork

Reading time: 2 min

Published at: October 12th, 2024

We've been tinkering under the hood of REI Lense and guess what? We've rolled out some neat updates that make crunching those real estate numbers even easier. ? But less words, just see it for yourself.


Still can’t see? While knowing your Cash On Cash return is as important as your morning coffee, understanding what amount to invest shouldn’t feel like rocket science. With our new update, we’ve sliced and diced the details into three sections: Financing, Cash To Invest, and Cashflow.

- Financing lets you play with mortgage parameters

- Cash To Invest shows cash you need to acquire the asset and have it ready, for MTR/STR you will see furnishing costs here, rehab costs are coming

- Cashflow breakdowns your monthly income, in most cases just the rent, and your monthly expenses, including mortgage principal and interest, taxes, insurance, HOA, CapEx, vacancy, maintenance, property management.

Multiple Deals Analysis At Once

We're cooking up something even more exciting: the power to analyze multiple properties at once, directly on the map. Imagine, with a few clicks, you can compare a whole bunch of properties, seeing all their investment return stats as clearly as your favorite ice cream flavors in a display case. Look at that!

Oh, wait! We've got a bunch more features up our sleeve, but here's the thing – we're not quite sure which one to roll out next. That's where you come in! We'd love your input to help steer the ship. Submit your idea or vote here!


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